Friday, November 3, 2017

Pipe Cleaner Badge

For the month of October, we worked on the Pipe Cleaner Badge.  During our first meeting, we tried making flowers, wreaths and our names.  One child was brave enough to attempt the 3d pumpkin!  We realized that pipe cleaners are very versatile and many creative ideas were shared.  During our second meeting, we learned about the history of pipe cleaners and the many different uses for them.  We also watched a video about a young man in Alaska who makes a living at creating amazing items out of pipe cleaners!  Then we attempted to make pipe cleaner baskets.

About Me Badge

To kick of the new year, we began with the "About Me" badge.  At our first meeting, each child filled out a simple "About Me" booklet with information such as their birthday, family, favorite things, and a self-portrait then they shared with the group.  We read Bible passages about God creating us and how valuable we are to Him.  During our second meeting, we wrote acrostic poems with our names and did a craft using our handprint. 

I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvelous are your works;
and that my soul knows right well. 
~Psalm 139:14